Sunday, July 22, 2007

DAYS to ponder....

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday, today and tomorrow.....

These general terms that conclude all days of a year, aren't they?
Every day, we are repeating the same cycle that you may not even notice it. If i am in today, there were stories of "yesterday" and new stories coming up for "tomorrow"! And this statement can be used again days after days. The different is only on the process, and its end result, whether it is meaningful or not in the end of a day... People always tend to give excuses of not finishing works of the days as they may have "slightly understanding" in these 3 words. WHY? because they know tomorrow will continue with another tomorrow...and so on. This is why we should prepare ourselves not trap in this situation that lead us to poor proficiency in finishing the works. Set the schedule and make sure we hit our target at the end of the day. I am sure you will have great joy if you can make it!

A well prepared day lead a better day for tomorrow....Ask yourself, what have i done in the last 24 hours; 1440 minutes ago or even 86400 seconds ago? Is it a better day of yesterday or should i do better for me, there will never a satisfying day if we are able to make our 365 days a year to become '3 Days' in general...Through this way, we will have a simple, clear and straight forward direction to achieve our goals!

In the end of a day, people tend to say "Let's called a day off!" and whether you want today as a brilliant day or awful day, is all in your hand, so, make sure you gain something out of it in everyday. On the other hand, tomorrow seem like a far end to grasp and it is partially invisible, as you may feel it just stand next to today, but it may be in the day next 10 years later.... And how soon is tomorrow, has to depend on how hardworking are we today to close up the gap of that. Take a slogan sample: join today, and you will be rich tomorrow! I am sure you understand what i mean....

Therefore, i wish all the best days hang around you with great happiness.

Cheers for the days!

1 comment:

LMF said...

Wakao, 你比我更胜任我现在的工作....:p